Thursday, January 12, 2012

See ya later kid

There is a group retired gentlemen that sit outside my favorite Starbucks, about 10 of them. They smoke, drink coffee, and shoot the breeze. They always seem like a jolly group. Yesterday morning as I was approaching one guy yelled at me, "What happened to your hands?" I looked down, I had pulled the sleeves of my pullover down so far that you couldn't see my hands. With a grin I yelled back, "Frostbite while out running!"

My morning started early...very early...4:30am early...4:30 has an am? The night before I had been looking forward to sleeping in a bit, I didn't have to be at nannying till 11:30 and then my manager texted me that I had a new client at 6am. Since I transferred gyms people have been asking me, "Are you moving back into the city?" Basically I had been telling them that I had 9 months to decide when my lease goes up...I think yesterday morning it was decided for me.

After my session I decided to head to the park and get my run over with...I mean in. ;) It was beautiful out. Mid 40s with the sun just beginning to rise. On tap was 5 min walk, 8 min run, 5 min walk, with the loop its more like an extra 20 minutes. I felt great! My legs felt strong and cardio wise it was a push but nothing I couldn't zone out of. I was a little cold towards the end...mainly my rear end! I wonder if there is a butt warmer for runners...well I guess walkers since I was walking by that point. 

I had sometime before nannying so I stopped by Starbucks to warm up with oatmeal and a SF caramel soy latte. Which is when I had my previously mentioned conversation. Starbucks oatmeal maybe my new on-the-go snack. I love it because they put the oats and water in the container...

Then you can add what you want. I love it so much because I can decide how many points I spend. Yesterday I just added some Splenda and with my latte it was a nice post run snack, saving the nuts and fruit  for another on-the-go snack. 

As I left Starbucks I yelled, "Look I warmed up!" as I waved goodbye. Which I got a, "See ya later kid!"

See ya later kids!

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