Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tales from the Weight Loss Road: Week 3

Do you know what a portion size is? I think we have all heard about how over the years restaurants sizes have increased. Have you ever stopped to think about the portions you are eating at home?

If you are like the way I was you fill your plate or bowl to the brim. So you maybe aware of the calories your food is however, what is the difference between a small and medium potato? Here is a link to help.

Also read the nutrition panel. Did you know that a serving of most cereals is 3/4 a cup...which believe me if you are eyeballing it is smaller than you think. Also depending on the bread brand a serving of bread maybe 1 slice or 2. Did you know that 3oz of white meat chicken is different is less calories than dark meat chicken? So what is my tip of the week?

Week 3: Know how much a serving is then measure it out.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Race Rachel Race

Phew! Yall still there? I am? No I am I am!

So I started to look for a 10K race that I'd want to run. I don't know if it's the area I live in but 10Ks seem to be the forgotten middle child of the running world. But I found one. Then I started looking at all of the fun runs throughout 2011. So here is my race first race a friend of mine says "Lord willing and the creek don't rise!"

This race was chosen basically because it fell right when my C25K plan ends. However, I'm thinking this is going to be a fun run. Their site says there is "music and hoopla" along the course. I thought this course would be around Reliant, where the Rodeo is held, but the race actually takes place downtown. It is the Houston Rodeo so it should be fun!

This race just seemed like a fun idea. I'm part Irish and thought it would be a fun way to celebrate and something to do between my 5K and 10K. It's a 5K and 10K event but I won't be ready for a 10K till early April.

My first 10K! Green 6.2 if you couldn't guess by the name is a green events. The route is unique in that it winds around the neighborhood around City Center and ends at Ruggles Green, a restaurant in the middle of City Center.

The Lone Star Stampede is a revenge event. I "ran" this event a couple of years ago. I wanted to run this event but at the end of the day I just wasn't motivated enough to train. I think it was a mind issue...I was probably in the high 100s when I was training and thought I was too big to run a 5k. I walked 3/4 of the race. It starts outside UT Med Branch since all proceeds go to their scholarship fund. The course is flat...well the 5K part is at least. I'm not sure if I'll run the 5 or 10K. This race is a couple of weeks after the Green 6.2 so who knows yet how I'll feel.

I'll probably run the Run Wild 5K July 4th...however there really isn't much information yet. Guess we will have to see about this one.

Ok this race is a couple of weeks before my half IDK what training proticol says so I'm not sure if I'll be running the 10 or 5K. However this t0o is a revenage race. I was suppose to run this one in 2010 but injured my knee the first time I ran 5 miles derailing 5K, 10K and half marathon dreams for 2010. I'm not really thrilled about the local, even though it's the closest race to my home, it starts/ends in Sam Houston Race Way...the dog & horse track. However, it's Houston's Halloween race. Come on I just want an excuse to run in a tutu!

I first saw a flyer about this race 3 years ago. I had just started my WLJ and was shoe shopping with my dad. I love SA and the series just looks like so much fun. I told my dad that if I ever ran a half or full marathon that I wanted RNR SA to be my first one. So two years later I started training for it and then above mention knee injury nixed RNR for 2010. I know I could pick a half sooner than this one but like I said I want THIS to be my first one and so it will!

So there you go. That is my race schedule for 2011. I'm feeling good. I'm feeling strong. I'm feeling motivated. I can't wait to rock my first REAL 5K!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lifting + Spin= SORE

Hi ya! How has your week been? This week went by so fast!

Tuesday evening I was in no mood to go to do the elliptical for an hour. However, I could tell I was in one of those moods where once I get there and going I'd be ok. Well I was on my way to the cardio area of the gym when I ran into these two...

Old pic of Mrs. Mayflower, Mr. DJ, and I.

Who had just gotten gym membership and were trying out a spin class. They had seen me come in and had saved me a bike. Spin trumps elliptical any day! It was a full class which I always enjoy and the music and workout were pretty good. The only problem was that the instructor used a 1-4 gage instead of the 1-10 I'm used to...I think my hills may have been a bit steeper than he had intended. Oh well I danced those peddles!

Wednesday was Week 3 Day 2 of C25K. However, before I hit the road I did a weight sessh with Mrs. Mayflower. Which turns out wasn't the smartest move. My legs were jello on my run so I wasn't as strong as I was for Day 1. Other than that the run was pretty good; two rounds of run 90 secs, walk 90 secs, run 3 min, walk 2 min.

Thursday I headed back to the gym with another spin class for some crosstraining. OMG! That was a hard class. The instructor did a lot of jump sprints and hovering which I've hardly ever seen an instructor do. Talk about working the glutes! So between Wednesdays lifting and Thursdays spin my legs are so sore! I decided to move todays run to tomorrow and finish the week with a run on Sunday.

How was your week? Do anything exciting...workout wise or not.

Don't forget to check out tomorrows Tales from the weight loss road post!


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tales from the Weight Loss Road: Week 2

Happy Saturday! Did you look at WL plans? Did you find one that suits you? I'd love to hear about them!

I started my WLJ on January 5 knowing a month and half later I was going to have surgery. Experience had taught me not to start working out when I'd have to stop for an unknown amount of time as I recovered. I knew if I started; made progress, digressed during recover, and started up again I'd be upset about the ground I had lost. I knew that WW would work just by following don't have to work out to lose weight. Hear me though: Working out is super IMPORTANT for your health. Whether you are at a healthy weight or not. There are numerous benefits to being active no matter what weight you are, but I won't bore with them.

I decided to use the month and half prior to surgery to focus on my eating. Turns out BEST move ever!

Can't believe I'm putting this picture up...however its the only picture in the time between starting WW and surgery. I was probably down 7 or so lbs.

Week 2: Don't change everything at once

During that month and half I spent time learning the WW's point system. I figured out how many points I wanted for each meal and which foods to buy. I picked up a WW cookbook and cooked a lot. In that learning time I lost 10.5 lbs in 6 weeks just by changing my eating!

I think this is so important. Believe me there are plenty of successful people who started completely afresh, new eating and new workout habits all at once. I think so often that people try to change everything at once and get overwhelmed by all the changes. I think back to my first workout after recovery and how just walking on a treadmill at a SLLLLOW speed for 30 minutes was painful. I would have felt so defeated by the enormity of all the changes. However, I knew I could do this. I had lost 10.5 lbs by sticking to the plan, which got easier as I figured things out. If I stuck with my workouts I would see results and it would get easier.

Maybe you need to start a new day and change everything at once. I tried that and this is what worked for me...maybe it could work for you. Do what you need to but either way DO IT!

This week make one change. I would suggest changing to a new eating plan first. Have a 6 week adjustment and learning period before your next change.

On a random note; take a really good before picture. You will want to SEE the changes.

Check out Week 1 here


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Too tired to think of witty title

Hiya! Can I just say I am so ready for the weekend!?! It's been one of those weeks.

Thus far I have day. Lets back up. Monday I worked an atypical early morning and evenings are out because of bible it was my birthday. Tuesday I worked all day so I hit up a spin class. OH MY GOODNESS. Monday night I only got something like 5 hours of sleep. I don't know if it was the lack of sleep or the cake & ice cream the night before but that was one of the toughest classes! We did hills...BIG hills! A 9, a couple of 8s, and a handful of
7->8s. However, I pushed through and left feeling a sense of accomplishment...and jello legged.

Wednesday was a beautiful H-Town winter afternoon...sunny and a high of 72. Perfect for a run! This week is Week 2 of C25K, 90 seconds run, 2 minute walk for a total of 20 min. When I first saw this weeks plan I thought, 2 minutes walking intervals...thats too long. Nope nope. Go figure the creators of C25K actually know what they were doing. Those 30 extra seconds of running need that extra minute to recover before the next interval. So overall this week felt a lot like last week. I've heard that week 3 is a toughest week.

Last night I thought I would hit up the gym and the dreaded treadmill this evening. However, as last wore on and turned into early Thursday morning it looked like I wasn't going to get enough sleep to have a quality run...I was right. I got 4 hours sleep. The rest of my runs will go down tomorrow and Sunday with an elliptical sesh Saturday. I got home from really bad traffic completely exhausted that even opening and heating up a can of soup sounded like too much effort just to kill hunger pains. I opted for a huge bowl of cereal...don't worry I wasn't to tired to not measured it. This will however leave me under my points for the day...a big no no in the WW world. Maybe I'll make another trip to the kitchen before I crash...nah. 7:45 to early for bed? Nah!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"You walk into Denny's before 5:00 and you've got yourself a discount" Lorelai

Good morning! How is your week going thus far? I had every intention of writing last night. However, by the time I got home from spin, H-Town rain ridden traffic, grocery store stop, and dinner all I wanted to do was pop in Gilmore Girls and not move!

Monday was my 25th birthday! I was actually totally ok with turning 25...maybe its because if I really wanted to I could still pass as 18...

Anywho! I spent most of the day with the littlest blur who threw me a Pizza Party!

He made me a mushroom and peppermint pizza. I asked him, "Pepperoni?" He replied with an enthusiastic "NO! Peppermint!" It wasn't that bad! ;)
Then he made me a cake! Yea that black plate with all the candles on it is my "cake."

Mondays is our young adult bible study where I was greeted by a cake and my favorite ice cream, Mint Chocolate Chip! After we dug into Jeremiah, my two favorites and I went to the all night Starbucks down in the Galleria for some birthday coffee. They had redesigned the Starbucks since the last time I was there. It now has a college hipster feel which was fun...we even ran into a college friend. I tried to document our outing...but failed horrifically! So here are the entertaining attempts.

Attempt 1: A little too candid and just off

Attempt 2: I think I said something like "Just act like yourself." Linds has a gift of falling asleep anywhere at a moments notice.

Attempt 3: I think we will go with Linds is looking down at the table...yea that sounds good

The plan for today is C25K Week 2 Day 2 at my favorite park. Then some studying before choir rehearsal.

What's your favorite birthday moment?


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Running straight into the new decade!

Good evening party people! Hope your New Years was as eventful as mine!

I spent New Years Eve with friends at a house party where I had my first experience with karaoke. We were doubly was the hostess birthday that evening as well. I chose the classic The Mamas and Papas' California Dreamin'...I would have made my dad proud. My love of 50s and 60s music came from him. I took lead while the 15 or so in the audience did back up. Then the birthday girl and her hubby took the stage...

They took on Queen's Bohemian you can tell it was quite entertaining!

It was the perfect way to roll into a new decade!

Every Sunday night I sit down look at the classes I want to take at gym...and which locations depending on my schedule that week. This past the little blurs where still out of school but their mama took the week off from work so my schedule was day-to-day and totally random. From Monday my workout schedule was out the window. That being said...I sadly didn't make it to one strength training class. However I did; run 4 days, took 1 cycle class, and rode my bike. Overall I'd say it was a successful workout week.

How and who did you spend your New Years?

Well I'm off to make this weeks schedule! Tomorrow is a much needed rest day! Thanks to Larry and Suzi for the photos!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tales from the Weight Loss Road: Week 1

Good morning...well be the time this is posted...afternoon! On this day when so many New Years weight loss resolutions are made and my 2 year WLJ anniversary is a few days away I thought I would share lessons from my journey over the next few weeks.

*These tips are from my own experience loosing weight. Before starting any weight loss or exercise program you should consult your doctor.

This is one of the last pictures I took before my WLJ. A whopping 225 on a 5'4" frame!

One of the reasons why I weighted so much was that I had chronic headaches for 10 years. Working out made my head hurt worse and I just ate away the pain. Well February 2008 I was scheduled to have a second surgery to correct my headaches. A thought crossed my mind, I will no longer by able to use my headaches as an excuse for being over weight. It was my "rock bottom" moment.

January 5, 2008 after the holidays and my birthday on the 3rd, I joined Weight Watchers. Here is the thing about "diets" and why I went with WW. Diets are temporary. You drink a shake, you eat their certain food, you cut out this or that. However, you can't live you life like that. You can't live your life eating no/extremely low amount of any certain food group. With WW they are re-teaching portion control. I grew up eating "healthy" foods; Fat Free dairy products, whole wheat grains, Sugar Free/low sugar foods, fruits and veggies. But when you eat them in the amounts that I did as a still end up unhealthy and overweight.

Week 1: Do your homework.

Find a weight loss program that will work for you...and that is healthy. A program that isn't just about how much weight you can lose but will teach you what your body needs and the correct portions. Our bodies were designed to have ALL food groups. So if a program is telling you to cut out or extremely limits your intake of a certain food group...chances are it won't be healthy. I'd suggest checking out MyPyramid for starters. It's a website that tells you the amounts of each food group you should be eating. It also has a food tracker on it. Oh and it's FREE!
Remember at the end of the day it's all about calories in vs. calories burned (through out the day not just through exercise).

Also as much as you may hate to hear is UNHEALTHY to lose weight at a rapid speed! A healthy weight loss on your body and for weight loss maintenance is no more than 2lbs a week. I know I know...we live a world where we want things right this moment. You did not put the weight on overnight so you can't expect for it to drop overnight. Just go into your WLJ with this knowledge...that this is for the long haul. That it isn't to lose a few pounds for a high school reunion or wedding you are in. This is so you can be healthy for you and your loved ones. If you aren't ready to accept this fact...then you aren't ready to lose weight. To be successful at losing weight you have to be ready or you may lose some weight or all the weight but you will put it back on. Believe me I know, I've been there...and I know that anyone can be successful.

So spend this week doing your homework!