Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"You walk into Denny's before 5:00 and you've got yourself a discount" Lorelai

Good morning! How is your week going thus far? I had every intention of writing last night. However, by the time I got home from spin, H-Town rain ridden traffic, grocery store stop, and dinner all I wanted to do was pop in Gilmore Girls and not move!

Monday was my 25th birthday! I was actually totally ok with turning 25...maybe its because if I really wanted to I could still pass as 18...

Anywho! I spent most of the day with the littlest blur who threw me a Pizza Party!

He made me a mushroom and peppermint pizza. I asked him, "Pepperoni?" He replied with an enthusiastic "NO! Peppermint!" It wasn't that bad! ;)
Then he made me a cake! Yea that black plate with all the candles on it is my "cake."

Mondays is our young adult bible study where I was greeted by a cake and my favorite ice cream, Mint Chocolate Chip! After we dug into Jeremiah, my two favorites and I went to the all night Starbucks down in the Galleria for some birthday coffee. They had redesigned the Starbucks since the last time I was there. It now has a college hipster feel which was fun...we even ran into a college friend. I tried to document our outing...but failed horrifically! So here are the entertaining attempts.

Attempt 1: A little too candid and just off

Attempt 2: I think I said something like "Just act like yourself." Linds has a gift of falling asleep anywhere at a moments notice.

Attempt 3: I think we will go with Linds is looking down at the table...yea that sounds good

The plan for today is C25K Week 2 Day 2 at my favorite park. Then some studying before choir rehearsal.

What's your favorite birthday moment?



  1. Last year, for my 21st, my aunt told me I should bring my sister and come up to see we packed up her littlest boy and hit the road. Aunt Laurie knows all the cutest boutiques in Fort Worth and dubbed it "anything Hannah's little heart desires day" I got completely spoiled. Is that awful that I loved it? ;)

  2. Hannah are you kidding!?! That would be best ever in my book...birthday or no birthday!
