Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in the Pines

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

Ho was yalls Christmas? Mine was...odd...in a good way, just because it's what we usually do.

Friday after running around like a mad women; training a client, meeting up with my SL family, and running by my nanny families (what do I call them?) I made my way home. We loaded up the car, picked up my stepbrother, and headed for the hills...or rather Pine Forests of East Texas.

Harley Dog! Isn't he cute!?! The dog trimmer ignored our request for just a trim and gave him a summer cut, poor thing is freezing!

We spent our drizzle Christmas Eve baking, several trips were made to the local Brookshire Brothers. Between my step mom and me we made a pecan pie, sausage balls, puppy chow, and gauc. After going to the Christmas Eve service, which was the highest church service I had been to in a loooooong while, we had a church family over for a chili cheese hot dog dinner; cooked by an open fire. 

I don't think we had enough goodies

We finally headed to bed after watching a bit of some sappy Christmas movies...I made the parentals watch a bit of A Christmas Story. Which my father says he doesn't like but always seems to enjoy. 

Christmas morning I woke up to Joy to the World being blared through out the house, unlike my stepbro I don't have the ability to sleep through such a racket. We had to wake earlier than usual because church was at 9:30. So we had cinnamon rolls and unwrapped our gifts. Then headed to a very laid back service that included Christmas hymns, reading of the Christmas story, and a blessing of the toys. 

We got home around 11am grazed on some goodies, watched a bit of the Celtics Knicks game, and all crashed for our Christmas naps before we packed up and head for the hills...or freeways of Houston. For Christmas the last two years we have nixed the turkey and opted for steaks and potatoes! YUMMY!

I hope yall had a wonderful Christmas! Check back tomorrow for Operation Finisher: Phase 2!

Till then,

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