Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Belle gets interrupted

Hi ya!

Whatcha up to? I'm at my receptionist job about to tear into this thing!

This past weekend my church had our fall Women's Conference in which Jen Hatmaker, the author of Interrupted, came and spoke about the topic of said book, hearing from God. She told us the story of how God shook up her and her husband's find out how you are going to have to read the book!

Anyways here are the main take aways from the weekend...

1. Prior to Jen's interruption she sounded very much like me. I've grown up and have a love of biblical knowledge. Hello my degree is in Christianity! However, there was a disconnect between what I know and my heart. Yes I should strive to live my life missionally and be Kingdom minded but there seemed to be missing that heart breaking for God's people. Now hear me when I say this, that does not mean it is always an emotional tear fest; there is however a stirring and calling of ones heart.

2. Then I realized I should go and do, even if my heart didn't quite line up or I didn't have a cause or country that broke my heart. It would be better to be God's hands and feet then to not. God could break my heart for what breaks His on the mission field...right? I had joined my church because of the emphasis in living missionally. I just needed to pick a mission trip and go.

3. I was then convicted of some sin in my life and realized that this was why I had this disconnect between the my head and my heart. So when the sin had been dealt with point number 4 came together.

4. One of the things Jen had mentioned that maybe God was speaking in your life...He was on repeat but for whatever reason you weren't heeding. So God had been on repeat in my life...even way back when I was a little girl. He had been repeating the word of adoption and he just completely broke my heart this weekend for orphans. Oddly (or not so oddly) November is National Adoption Month and this past Sunday was Orphan Sunday which was the focus of our worship service.

So those are the things reveled this weekend but now what? Well...

When I was a little girl, we are talking elementary age, I remember telling my mom that I wanted to adopt one day...what she reminded me of the other night when I was talking with her was that I had said "I want to have two kids of my own and adopt a third." I've several friends who have adopted or are foster parents. Ok well as a 25 year old single who is just starting her career adopting isn't really in the picture right now. I'm not sure why I thought that was the only way to minister to orphans.

Phew with all that being said I'm really excited about what God is going to do. For the right now, I do know that I am called to go to Cambodia in March. My church partners with an orphanage in Poipet, Cambodia; along the Cambodia-Thai boarder. Not to sure what we will be doing but I do know that we do have some construction going on.

As for the immediate I'm not to sure. I'm still praying and seeking how I am called to minister here on a daily basis. When I figure that out I'll let ya know!

Have you had your life Interrupted? What breaks your heart for God's people?

Till then,

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