Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Killer wind

Since I ended up doing my long ride on Sunday but still wanted to ride Monday, I decided to do a short 8 mile ride geared toward speed. 

Trying to make sure my calories, calories were good I sucked down a Power Bar apple squeeze before heading out. 

The plan was a two mile warm up, two mile tempo, one mile recovery, two mile tempo, two mile cool down.

Two slight problems with this. My goal was to keep a 15 mph pace during tempo, problem was that 15 mph is still slow. I need to keep around a 17 mph tempo. Which is challenging when all you have is a GPS app telling you skewed paces every 1/4 mile. I'm thinking a tempo ride with dad would be good. He knows what true tempo training is. 

Problem two was head winds! Good grief, first tempo interval was nothing but head wind. After a mile of pushing my pace I was done! I slowed my pace and on the way home picked up some speed thanks to the now tailwind. However, by the time I was still a good1.5 mile away from my car my legs just shut down. My goal at that point was just to keep peddling consistently without taking "cruising" breaks. 

It was a rough ride overall but I finished it. It's rides like that get your body and mind ready for tough situations on actual ride day. Today is a 15 miler. Nothing to exciting but to get as many miles in this week as possible.